Radical Client Centred Framework 2025 Review
The Radical Client Centered (RCC) framework provides a visual tool to prompt reflection on the multiple systemic, intrapersonal and interpersonal systems that may lead someone to a rupture in their relationship with food and body. This rupture can lead to the development of disordered eating or an eating disorder (DE/ED). This is our “invitation to listen more and speak less” (3) and learn from our clients the way these factors have impacted the development of their DE/ED. We also need to consider the healing power of allowing people the space to share and hear their own narrative of their body story (4). There are few places that people are afforded the space to explore their relationship with food and body, particularly across the timeline of their life. This process may be an important part of the assessment and building of therapeutic alliance before embarking on evidence based treatments (EBT).